Archiv der Kategorie ‘MySQL‘


MySQL: Save RAM by disabling InnoDB

If you run a MySQL Server and have not much RAM, like in a OpenVZ Container or VirtualServer, there is some saving possibility by disabling InnoDB in your my.cnf.
By default InnoDB Engine is enabled and uses about 100MB of RAM. You can disable InnoDB in your /etc/mysql/my.cnf with the keyword "skip-innodb".
But check first if there are any databases with InnoDB Tables in your MySQL Server. They will stop working if you just disable it.

PHP: Micro vs. Macro optimization, or "Get the low hanging fruit first"

After using and developing PHP for a few years now, i heard pretty much stuff about optimization, special technice's and other myths and fairy tales. But this article is not about tips or tricks, it is about if this the real key to better performance.

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PHP/MySQL: Warning: mysql_query(): Unable to save result set ...

Today i found a error in a tiny script i was working on.
The error Message looked like this:

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set in /var/www/example.php on line 55

First i found a few hints about repairing or optimizing MySQL tables, but this did not work out.
After a few debugging outputs a realized that the query was not properly written.

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Benchmark: APC vs. MySQL MEMORY fetching Speed

I once wrote a article about APC and MySQL MEMORY table caching and found out that APC needs very much memory compared to MySQL MEMORY. Now i did a short benchmark to check out the fetching speed of these two solutions with a interesting result.

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MySQL: MySQL5 Update

Für alle Admins die die Ehre haben einen Server zu betreuen, es gibt ein Mysql 5 Update. Sowohl der Server als auch die Libs werden geupdatet. Das ganze erfordert einen Mysql-Server Neustart, also aufpassen was sonst noch so läuft.

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