Archiv der Kategorie ‘Ubuntu‘


Ubuntu: Create own or fix broken samba shared directorys

ubuntu_logoI recently wanted to create a shared folder with the attribute hidden, but did not want to change the /etc/samba/smb.cnf.

So i searched where the shares created by the gnome folder-properties window where saved. The directory is:


This is also the place, where you might fix a broken share by deleting the config file.

Kubuntu: Connect to hidden WLAN

Somehow the Network-Manager in Kubuntu can not connect to hidden wireless lan. But i found a simple workaround in the

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Ubuntu: Backup/Copy network settings in Ubuntu

ubuntu_logoI did a clean install of Ubuntu 11.04 and copied all the needed configs from my old 10.10 installation. But i could not find the needed folders for the network and wireless settings, so i searched for them and this is what i found.

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Ubuntu: Install on a Disk with less than 4.4 GB (Workaround)

ubuntu_logoI tried to install Ubuntu 11.04 on a 4 GB USB-Stick today, but was failed by the installer who wants at least 4.4 GB free space. This is unnecessary much, because a normal Ubuntu install will stay below 2.5 GB.
I found a "fix" that works like this:

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Linux: Change timezone on Debian/Ubuntu

Change timezone on your Ubuntu/Debian system by opening a Terminal and run this command:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Ubuntu: Booting with "quiet" and "splash" ist faster.

I like to see what is going on when my ubuntu boots, so i disabled "splash" and "quiet" in mit "/etc/default/grub" and updated grub via "update-grub" afterwards as root.
Today i checked how this might slow down the boot process, because of the much output by the kernel. This is my result:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" --> 28 Seconds
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet" --> 32 Seconds
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="splash" --> 30 Seconds

On my system, "quiet" speeds up booting by 1 or 2 seconds, and "splash" by 2 or 3 seconds.

I might leave both on for faster booting, but i will miss my informative kernel output :(

Ubuntu: Howto move min/max/close buttons to the right in Ubuntu Lynx 10.4

With version 10.4 Ubuntu design team decided to move the minimize/maximize/close buttons to the left. Maybe to look like mac. For everybody who do not like this and want their buttons back on the right, follow the instructions.

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Ubuntu: Open Windows in Foreground

If your windows do not open in Foreground like we are all used to it, it might be caused by a wrong compiz-setting.
In this article i will describe how to fix that problem.

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Ubuntu: Adding Thunderbird to indicator-applet

Adding Thunderbird to the "indicator-applet" is possible and not that hard.
I wrote down the few commands and hints.

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Sicherheit: Kritische OpenSSL Lücke in Ubuntu

Es wurde ein Sicherheitslücke im neuen Ubuntu Linux 8.04 LTS System gefunden welche durch präparierte Pakete eine Denial of Service Attacke in Programmen die gegen OpenSSL gelinkt sind verursachen kann. Es können aber auch Ruby Scripte genutzt werden um die Attacke durchzuführen. Es ist sowohl ein Denial of Service Angriff möglich, als auch das Einschleusen von Fremdcode welcher dann mit den aktuellen User Rechten ausgeführt wird.

Es wird empfohlen alle betroffenen Systeme mit der OpenSSL Schwachstelle upzudaten: Ubuntu Linux LTS 8.04 und Kubuntu, Edubuntu, and Xubuntu.

Das Updaten geht so:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Damit die Änderungen auch übernommen werden ein Neustart:

sudo reboot
