Ubuntu: Howto move min/max/close buttons to the right in Ubuntu Lynx 10.4

With version 10.4 Ubuntu design team decided to move the minimize/maximize/close buttons to the left. Maybe to look like mac. For everybody who do not like this and want their buttons back on the right, follow the instructions.

Even if the position on the left might have some advantages, here is a instruction for changing them back.

Go to the "Terminal" or "Shell" and start the Programm:


Now navigate to:


And change the key button_layout from:




Even faster is this command you need to run in your terminal/shell:

gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string menu:minimize,maximize,close

How this helps.

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3 Kommentare zu “Ubuntu: Howto move min/max/close buttons to the right in Ubuntu Lynx 10.4”

  1. Tweets die Ubuntu: Howto move min/max/close buttons to the right in Ubuntu Lynx 10.4 | Julius Beckmann erwähnt -- Topsy.com 5. April 2010 um 12:16

    [...] Dieser Eintrag wurde auf Twitter von Julius Beckmann erwähnt. Julius Beckmann sagte: Ubuntu: Howto move min/max/close buttons to the right in Ubuntu Lynx 10.4 | http://bit.ly/cIIIb8 [...]

  2. Kurt 6. Mai 2010 um 15:00

    Thanks, the gconftool-one-liner worked perfectly. I wonder about the thoughts behind this ... design change.

  3. Devlin 13. Juni 2010 um 03:35

    Oddly it did not work here on my Aspire One....

    It's very aggravating having them on the left.