Verkaufe Bücher!

Ich habe ein paar Bücher im Regal aussortiert die ich nicht mehr benötige. Schaut euch einfach die Liste an.

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Auto: Opel Corsa C Kurbelwellensensor austauschen

Auf dem Weg nach Hause habe ich es das Erste mal bemerkt. Beim Rollen zu einer Roten Lichtzeichenanlage (Ampel) ist der Motor einfach ausgegangen. Ich hab mir nichts weiter bei gedacht und den Motor wieder gestartet. Doch ab dann hat die Motorkontrolleuchte (MKL) geleuchtet (nicht geblinkt!). Ein paar Kilometer weiter leuchtete dann auch noch die Abgaskontrolleuchte (AKL) und der Drehzahlmesser hat nichts mehr angezeigt.
Ab dann war mir klar dass da irgendwas an dem Auto nicht in Ordnung ist.
Wer wissen will wie ich das Auto wieder repariert habe, der lese einfach weiter...

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PHP: Micro vs. Macro optimization, or "Get the low hanging fruit first"

After using and developing PHP for a few years now, i heard pretty much stuff about optimization, special technice's and other myths and fairy tales. But this article is not about tips or tricks, it is about if this the real key to better performance.

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Thunderbird: Newsgroup has unread messages error

I am using Mozilla Thunderbird for a while now and one error occurs every now and then. After updating and reading news from our University news-server, some of them are still marked as "unread", but when i click on the folder, the unread marked messages disappear.
I researched the error and found a simple fix ...

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Ubuntu: Open Windows in Foreground

If your windows do not open in Foreground like we are all used to it, it might be caused by a wrong compiz-setting.
In this article i will describe how to fix that problem.

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Ubuntu: Adding Thunderbird to indicator-applet

Adding Thunderbird to the "indicator-applet" is possible and not that hard.
I wrote down the few commands and hints.

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PHP: Easy and secure password hashing class

Everybody talks about security but most of the people still save md5(password) in their databases. This is not funny. Reversing a simple and even a average password is not that hard.
I once wrote this tiny class that generates secure enough password hashes.

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PHP: FIFO queue with APC

A few days ago i needed a simple queue class that would also be persistent after the pagerequest. I first thought about putting this queue in SQL but did not want the whole SQL overhead and such and remembered a blog artice about memcache queues a once read. But i had no memcache for that project and used APC instead.

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Lifehacks - My Collection

I like solving strange problems with my computer. But what i also like is finding cool tricks and hacks in real life.
This page will contain a collection of life hacks i know.

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Fun: Knowlegde vs Time

I am currently writing my exams these weeks and found this graph on the internet. Somehow i did some marked similarities to my learning :D
